Hotel troyer logo ikona

Indoor pool

Heated every day

For better enjoyment of the stay you can also use our hotel pool. A part of the pool is a circular massage whirlpool with pleasant bar, where you can order some refreshments. There is also an outdoor terasa where you can enjoy the all-encompassing green.

*Accommodated guests have pol and whirlpool in price

*The rental of towels and bathrobes is included in the price.

*Open during all climate conditions.


Opening hours

Daily from 7:00 to 21:30.

Tuesday from 9:00 to 21:30.

Price list for public


Prices per person 2 hours next hour
Adult: 390 CZK 200 CZK.
Child up to 12 years old: 210 CZK, 120 CZK.